Jesse Fister wrote:Hello,
We live in Montana and recently did a simple soil test. It returned:
pH: 7.3 (alkaline)
Nitrogen: depleted
Phosphorus: sufficient
Potassium: surplus
We have heavy clay soil.
Growing Zone: 5b
We have several large hugel beds for vegetables and rotational grazing fields over several acres. Alpacas (and all camelids) cannot eat high-nitrogen plants or they get sick, so no clover cropping the fields.
How would you heal this?
I see that urine, diluted, provides a good 10:1:4 NPK ratio as fertilizer but with our high potassium I'm nervous. I think I read that potassium keeps plants from accessing nutrients in the soil.
hau Jesse, Let me start with the grazing animals, the grasses you want are mid protein range, so you can use;
•Endophyte-free Fescue (Short Fescue, not long or tall fescue)
•Winter Wheat
•Sudan Grass
•Bahia Grass
Now to heal the
land, simply grow the pasture grasses for the pastures, you can add daikon radish, turnip, buckwheat, and hairy vetch as well. These will respond well to breaking up the heavy clay and once you roll the tops down, the grasses will come back and the other items will rot (top and root) thus adding humus and clay crumbling humic acid to your soil, this will start turning it into rich, black soil within a year of starting the program. The animals will
poop and
pee as you move them around these amendments will be spread around too.
The soil will improve simply by you using it to pasture your animals and rotational grazing will do wonders in a very short time.
As you work the land with the animals and grow the pastures, that K will even out all by itself, don't fret over the soil test, it does not account for the fact that you are using the land for animal raising.
If you are worried about anything let it be the pH, that can be adjusted or you can let the pasture grasses do that for you, either way working the land is the best way to get things headed towards balance, which is where we want everything anyway.
If you would like more specific help, I am a pm away.