I just got a Great Pyrenees pup and want to keep him safe from heartworm. Without recapping what I've learned about heartworm here's a few of what I think are some key points when assessing the risk of infection with some questions.
1. Temperature - the larvae needs two weeks or more of temperature above 57 degrees F so the more time it stays above 57 degrees F the greater the odds. So the further south you go the greater the risk. I've read that heartworm is not a problem in Alaska . . . anyone know if this is true?
2. Population density of dogs - it goes from host to host via the mosquito so the more dogs in an area the greater the odds a mosquito can become infected. So dogs in neighborhoods would be at greater risk than dogs out in the country?
3. Humidity/moisture levels - mosquitos need
water to breed and the larvae need it to stay moist to travel through the saliva. SO the closer to water and more humid the environment the greater the risk.
4. Time outside - most mosquitos are outside so the more time the dog spends outside the greater the risk.
5. Size of dog - mosquitos use
carbon dioxide as a means of detection so the bigger the dog the greater the amount of carbon dioxide.
6. Density of fur - the less dense the fur the easier for the mosquito to bite the dog?
As far as prevention and treatment go I know almost nothing. It seems like the key for prevention is to prevent the mosquito from ever biting the dog but how? Encourage mosquito eaters, limit breeding area or spray the dog with something like citronella or peppermint oil?
What about after it's been bitten? Is there a way to kill the larvae when it's in the mosquito saliva or under the skin before it advances into the bloodstream? I've read that the larvae don't like cold in the first two stages of life what about the stages before entering the blood? Would cold baths work to kill the larvae?
Once it's in the bloodstream is a strong immune system sufficient
enough to fight it off or will the dog need additional help like herbs, vitamins etc. I'd hate to have to poison my dog to prevent or get rid of heartworm.