I thought this was cool. I got this nectarine tree at a discount store for almost nothing. It had a couple leaves still and barefoot in August. I planted it in this pot and sowed a bunch of snow peas in the pot. I enjoyed many stir fries and a couple of months later as the rest of the leaves started falling off the other prune and peach seedlings next to it the nectarine started growing like crazy. The prune and peach didn't get and peas. This picture was taken on December 25th near Seattle. It's not been freaky cold. But it's gotten well below freezing many times and there's snow on the leaves now. None of the other fruit
trees I have still have any leaves left on the branches. Maybe the nitrogen fixer has some anti freeze magic in it as well. Ordering
alot more peas and beans next year. I didn't save
enough too replant under all my trees.