Hmmmm, lots of questions... To start, water lines inside the firebox or any part of the combustion zone are bad for two reasons. They will rob heat from the fire, cooling it and making the burn less efficient and complete; and if the pump
should stop for even a few seconds while the burn is hot, the water will flash to steam and cause an explosion. Inside the drum is still not completely safe, as ambient temperatures could be 500F or more depending on conditions. Wrapping copper tubing around the drum has been done successfully, as has embedding a non-pressurized water tank in the heat flow path and running copper tubing through that. This last is by far the safest method, and will give more constant water temperatures as well.
You have the firebox lined with firebrick (good); what is the riser made of, and how is it connected to the firebox? A riser from the top going straight up has been found not to give the beneficial turbulence that helps complete combustion. Are you making a batch box with a door, or an open J or L configuration? What are the internal dimensions of the firebox, riser, and clearances? How much mass and what sort of flow path are you planning?