The basics of
permaculture aims actually at living with a resilient nervous system, and I have written before a topic about
Apply permaculture to oneself
But there is no forum to talk about this. So I have chosen the cleaning forum! ...personal care.
How do you do to clean / care about your internal states from too much activation?
How resilient are you?
aka how well do you manage to activate and cool down? how are you micro-electric waves going up and down inside you?
Irene Lyon says that nature is good to feel better, and it has to do with the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and that the health of our planet starts here, with our own health.
As an expat lacking the right support I think is best, i have found out a curious way of doing so, by listening to auditions of x factor and other "got talents"!
I need to watch only the ones showing emotional reaction, family support, fair astonishment of the judges etc
One for fun giving:
Another one with more sensitive emotion: