Hello, just found this site a few days ago and have been looking around a bit, glad to see it's not a "My favorite publication says this" type board! I'm a 55yr old landscape gardener,
land surveyor and counselor by trade and have built two of my own off grid homesteads over the years here in Michigan. Got ahold of The
Permaculture Design Manual by Bill Mollison in the 90's and pretty much committed the concepts to memory.
Having recently decided to retire from mundane world of having a job I've pared my life down to living out of a backpack, for now I'm wintering in the north central lower peninsula but plan on wandering out again in the spring. It could be that I can be persuaded to travel in order to give advice and help with design on other people's projects, it depends on the place and people involved more than anything. No, I won't do the work for you and have more than proven my abilities over the years.
On a personal note I'm very much an old-school punk in attitude and charachter, do it yourself with what you have available. Spend my time studying esoteric philosophy, sacred geometry, mathematics and physics. Absolutely love all kinds of music, going to festivals and meeting with higher thinking people. "Any old soul is worth saving, at least to a priest. But not every soul is worth purchasing, so you take the offer as a compliment" William S Burroughs