Hi all, been a while, I have been too busy doing to be talking recently.
I did finish a grey
water system that is working very well so I actually have something to show for it, which is nice.
Now, for something else. I have been intrigued by the rocket
heaters and it seems with a little work, I can use it to dry
wood. I currently have a kiln that runs off electric but the cost isn't pleasant, and I am overrun by scrap wood anyway.
So, to the brain trust here, can you help me in what to do to make a rocket heater for a kiln? Too high of temperatures are a bad thing, but constaint temperatures aren't as necessary. Figure, maximum temperature shouldn't be more than 150 degrees in a box that holds 1500 BF.
course, being fireproof is incredibly important since as the wood gets dry, you have LOTS of
kindling just waiting for a spark.
Thanks all