Here are the things I do every time I upload a new
1) youtube thumbs up, add to favorites, add to appropriate playlist(s)
2) add to an appropriate forum (or two or three) on permies.
3) click on the video "share" button:
3a) email all my youtube friends
3b) tweet
3c) put on the
facebook fan page, my facebook page, and maybe one other
permaculture page
3d) buzz
3e) if I think the video is really good, I'll put it on stumbleupon
4) post to mailing lists where appropriate
4a) lawrence london's
permaculture mailing list
4b) ppg (the portland
permaculture guild)
4c) cascade harvest coalition
4d) rural
roots 4e) missoula eco events
5) submit to one subreddit
6) submit to forums that would be appropriate. Make sure to get instant email notification of any replies - and keep up on all responses. posting to a forum is okay if you an active member of the community.
6a) tree hugger
6b) homesteadingtoday
6c) backwoods home mag
6d) dave's garden
6f) totally frugal
6g) pri
6h) idigmygarden
6i) country plans
sustainability forum
6k) sufficient self
6l) homestead garden
survival podcast 6n) MD forum at coderanch
7) see if it can be added to

process embedding stuff to get the video to appear at the top of permies and on the sidebar at richsoil.
9) put on new blog
10) check up on reddit submission. If it is doing poorly, try submitting to a different reddit.
I never post to gardenweb because self posts are frowned on.
I never post to wiserearth because I just never got the hang of it.
There are probably a thousand other places that I can or
should post, but I'm either not aware of them, or for some reason I stopped posting there.
I can get all the videos posted in about an hour. And then I spend four hours responding to lots of questions, usually presented in the form of how stupid I am.
If the video can get
enough views/upvotes/comments/favorites in the first 24 hours, it will appear on a youtube stage where it will get LOTS more views.
Remember the tiny house video? I didn't post it to garden sites, but I did post it to eco building sites. Here are the results: 1620
homesteadingtoday 560 (lots of debate in that
thread leads to lots of views)
reddit 518
stumbleupon 269 239 (I didn't post there, so somebody else must have done that)
richsoil 120
facebook 106
countryplans 86
sufficientself 71
backwoodshome 55
thesurvivalpodcast 30
PRI 26
treehugger 10
sufficientself 7
twitter 5 4