In my humble opinion,
gardening in the Texas Hill Country offers a lot of challenges that do not meet with other criteria. What works in Zone 8a in the Dallas/Fort Worth area does not work for Zone 8a in the Hill Country.
Finding wood chips in the Hill Country might also provide a challenge. I would be careful that the wood chips do not contain Ashe Juniper. While it may work for many it is too risky to attempt and set up a fail. The possible allopathic properties of the juniper is worth considering.
Wood chips containing juniper might be great for a mulch. I have been thinking of using their leaf matter for my garden paths to keep the grass from growing. I am afraid the wind would just blow it away.
While I have not done hugels I am under the impression that to make them work here you need wood that will not dry out fast. My ground dries up very quickly after a rain even though it is clay based.
These are just some of my thoughts. I wish you the best with your gardens.