OK I tried to get some discussion going in another
thread about alternate training methods for grapes, but I wanted to start a new thread on the subject.
I don't have much space to work with and I dont have any walls/surfaces to train it on. I don't have the money or desire to build any free standing supports so I got to thinking about how I could overcome this. My idea.....
Train a main cordon straight up like a tree trunk with rebar supports on either side. The height would probably be 6 feet or so tall. I would then have secondary cordons coming off the main cordon like a regular
trellis trained vine, only these would be only 14 inches or so long. I would have as many secondary cordons as possible and have them alternate around in a spiral fashion up the main cordon, sorta like spiral stairs and natural forms of
trees. I would obviously keep the lowest cordon up high off the ground. From there the varities I want to grow will be spur pruned off of the secondary cordons. I will try and whip of a picture at some point to illustrate this.
So im looking for feedback on any issues people might see or altnerate methods that I haven't heard about. Thanks!