A St. Paul church replants their front
lawn with a permaculture garden to supplement food shelf stores. So many great highlights in this article, but here are three:
Rosario: Summit Avenue church in St. Paul hopes to send a message: 'Feed the poor' By Rubén Rosario
Pending approval from the
city's historic preservation committee, the church's garden at 797 Summit Ave. is designed to provide fresh produce for up to 15 families through a partnership with Neighborhood House's basic needs program.
"We thought it was a fabulous idea, and putting it right on Summit was a great way to highlight the need," said Mary Senkbeil, the committee chair. The church folks asked the food shelf folks, whose clientele is 40 percent immigrant or ethnically diverse, what to grow.
Permaculture Research Institute for Cold Climate, a Minneapolis firm, was hired to come up with a design for the community garden that would look pleasing and also accomplish its humanitarian mission.
>>> I would definitely love to see more projects like this in my community, or pretty much anywhere. Check out the whole article if you get a chance; there are some lists of crops to help you envision what they are building along Summit Ave.