Mark Brunnr wrote:...otherwise it would feel like winning a car on The Price Is Right, where the winner ends up selling the car at a used car price to pay the taxes due at the new car price.
Mark Brunnr wrote: ...since you only buy a receipt and not the NFT itself.
Mark Brunnr wrote: A coworker is playing a game...
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T Simpson wrote: Been ignoring the crypto threads on here for a while but I gave this one a read-through...
T Simpson wrote: I'm a software engineer and developed projects on the Ethereum blockchain in 2017...
T Simpson wrote: use crypto in a way that creates value and improves lives not just like a penny stock gamble...
T Simpson wrote: Tether...
(rug pull)T Simpson wrote: rug pole...
T Simpson wrote:
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Davin Hoyt wrote:
Are you crypto wealthy? (might play into your mindset)
Please try the experience of staking 5555days in HEX (or allow me to gift you the same).
Davin Hoyt wrote:
I trust Richard Heart as an entrepreneur, just like I trust Paul Wheaton as an entrepreneur. These men have added excitement to my life. I found both of them by seeking a better life through the internet. Both men were doing recordings to enlighten their audience when I found them.
We have a joke in HEX: This isn't a rug pull, it's a magic carpet ride.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
(rug pull)T Simpson wrote: rug pole...
T Simpson wrote:
That link was broken, but there is a link to the disclaimer page at the bottom of .
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-Amazon Women On The Moon
Dc Stewart wrote:For a skeptical take, a recent (November 14th) article discusses the peculiarities of the Hex structure and marketing and the business history of the founder.
Richard Heart’s Hex Token is a Brilliant Scam
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Dc Stewart wrote:For a skeptical take, a recent (November 14th) article discusses the peculiarities of the Hex structure and marketing and the business history of the founder.
Richard Heart’s Hex Token is a Brilliant Scam
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Dc Stewart wrote:For a skeptical take, a recent (November 14th) article discusses the peculiarities of the Hex structure and marketing and the business history of the founder.
Richard Heart’s Hex Token is a Brilliant Scam
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T Simpson wrote:... So no, not crypto wealthy. I got out of it after realizing most people in that business were criminals, government honeypots, or ignorant to the darker side of crypto. Hard to trust anyone that just goes by a wallet id.
T Simpson wrote:... but how does it earn money? Why is it needed? I can just as easily bet on crypto without it right?
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T Simpson wrote:Pretty much the conclusion I came to after reading all the hex marketing. I don't see anywhere where it explains how interest is generated other than locking your coin up in somebody else's code and hoping it goes up. I'm not buying the "be your own bank" bit when I could just leave coins in their wallet;
T Simpson wrote:... they say hex is like CDs and they can be bought and sold but from what I can tell this process is not automated and if it is how are the trading rules determined? By the founder? Unless you know how to code there would be no changing it and you would still be locked into the hex token.
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T Simpson wrote:So hex represents the share of a pool of ethereum
T Simpson wrote:(what governs the token)
T Simpson wrote: where if you hold your hex for the time you say you will you are allowed to receive the inflation gain between your entry and exit of the pool
T Simpson wrote: when you do sell, but if you pull out early you just get the current speculative value of the share of hex token?
T Simpson wrote: Is the inflation value arbitrary or tied to ethereum's speculative value?
T Simpson wrote: If not then is a user converting their money to hex therefore converting the value of their currency to hex's speculative value based purely on its user base?
T Simpson wrote:How is that not just a contract to be in a pyramid scheme where everyone is just agreeing to jump ship when they said they were i.e. in 15 years. Just recycling money based on speculative market fluctuations.
T Simpson wrote: I suppose the "punishment" is to try to prevent this, does this mean that you could lose more than you staked originally, otherwise what is the point of punishing pulling out early?
T Simpson wrote: I see no reason why hex is any more stable than any other scheme or crypto investment pool.
T Simpson wrote:Am I correct in my understanding?
T Simpson wrote:It seems the initial wallets and funds were seeded by the founder to give the project the appearance of a large number of active participants when in reality the initial stakes were from dummy wallets controlled by the founder. Kind of a dishonest marketing tactic IMO. I just can't wrap my head around why the project uses so many of the same tactics as most crypto scams while claiming it is not. I suppose the blockchain doesn't lie and it has the users now.
T Simpson wrote:Does hex give a user a greater ROI over just holding in a private wallet?
T Simpson wrote: I don't see how hex can offer a profit beyond standard inflation rates without taking money from newer investors who have not cashed out yet.
T Simpson wrote: The only thing keeping it from falling apart is the bet that not everyone will jump ship at the same time. I might as well hold fiat or bonds in a big ol shared bank account.
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It's never too late to start gardening, and even the smallest project is worthwhile.
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Logan Byrd wrote:While I have zero interest in putting money or time towards crypto/blockchain/NFTs/etc, I do use crypto occasionally as a transitional currency for facilitating international payments (sender converts local currency to crypto of choice, send to recipient, they immediately sell it).
Logan Byrd wrote:After reading through this thread I am more skeptical than optimistic about HEX, but Davin - regardless of what the future holds, I wish the best for you. If it does well, then I hope you become rich - and if you start to have doubt, then I hope that you are able to recover all of your investments and view it as a fun learning experience rather than something to regret.
Logan Byrd wrote:I'll be keeping an eye on your journey and I look forward to seeing your posts!
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Bitcoin and Litecoin are the only two that have been consistently requested, but Dogecoin, Monero, and Bitcoin Cash are the others that I can remember using at one point or another. I think there was also one that had something to do with goats, but I have no idea what it was called.Davin Hoyt wrote:What are the most common currencies they request?
It's never too late to start gardening, and even the smallest project is worthwhile.
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Logan Byrd wrote:Bitcoin and Litecoin are the only two that have been consistently requested, but Dogecoin, Monero, and Bitcoin Cash are the others that I can remember using at one point or another. I think there was also one that had something to do with goats, but I have no idea what it was called.
Surprisingly I still haven't used Ethereum as a transitional currency, but I do not know if it is either only popular among those building derivative works relating to it, or if there is something about Ethereum that makes it less suitable for payments.
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Davin Hoyt wrote:Instead of thinking everyone is going to jump ship, I think oh God what kind of a beast has been created!!!
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It's never too late to start gardening, and even the smallest project is worthwhile.
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The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
Mark Brunnr wrote:...using the log scaling for one and linear for the other feels visually deceptive.
Mark Brunnr wrote:...some will read as either "a great time to buy more" or as proof that it was a pump and dump scheme...
Mark Brunnr wrote:...very much like a pyramid or ponzi scheme...
Mark Brunnr wrote:what is that HEX X chart supposed to be showing?
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(Bloomberg) -- The more than 100,000 devotees to a little-known token called Hex swapping jokes and encouraging each other to stay bullish over the Telegram messaging app shows the desire to get rich quick remains as strong as ever in the midst of the latest crypto winter.
Even though the coin is among the thousands that trade at just a few cents, it has developed an outsized profile. Hex’s creator, who goes by Richard Heart, has positioned himself at the center of the hype, projecting an over-the-top presence on social media with his designer track suits, expensive jewelry and luxury vehicles. While Heart projects endless optimism amid aggressive marketing, which includes old-fashioned direct-mail promotions, the value of the token has tumbled more than 90% from its all-time high in September.
Devoured by giant spiders without benefit of legal counsel isn't called "justice" where I come from!
-Amazon Women On The Moon
(Bloomberg) .... includes old-fashioned direct-mail promotions...
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Davin Hoyt wrote:
I don’t know whether to thank you for the opportunity, or tell you to go dig a pond. You joined this website to make this one post… so I hope you’re waiting in the bushes while I continue to enlighten people on where the internet is going.
My PDF listed in this thread describes crypto as a wide west, and that maturity is starting to show bedrock with the product called HEX.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
You need to ask yourself, “How would I create a currency?” You probably promote a nation state organizing a currency. Well, this is an organization of addresses that stay anonymous and loaded with (credits) which protect the whole, from invasive activities (within the hex ecosystem’s workings). HEX is a contract that you interact with on the Ethereum blockchain. That contract does not change over time. Within that contract, the system is mathematically arranged to make interest more scarce. That’s why such performances are stated with such boldness.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
It’s a product, not an ongoing project that has an oversight board with unclear directions and timelines. It is finished. You can point at it. It is separate from its neighbors.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
The large anonymous address(es) protect the whole. It protects the Staker class. The stakers are the people who lock up their hex tokens to earn interest, which is a share of the annual inflation of 3.69%. This is all math (in the contract that sits on the Ethereum blockchain). It’s like the Great Plains are open for grazing, are you going to send your son and some livestock out there?
You are still early to HEX as I’m writing this. But if this ends up being the next bitcoin, but a bitcoin that people hold like gold and earn interest like a nation’s monetary banking system… then what is “early”. Everything is perspective. Are you still mad about the Oklahoma Sooners jumping the gun, and their ancestry having more land than you? The entire idea is revolutionary, and the community that brought the idea forth survives. We just need to see how many eyes will open to a border-less wealth time deposit. I hope people will point to me if they get in conversations about innovations small farms could adopt. I have friends to help me with this message too.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
Again, there is a large holding that protects the whole. It is protecting the staker class (people with locked hex tokens) from any other entity that wants to sabotage the product via mathematics. Richard doesn’t place this information in the foreground, because it’s human nature to be selfish - and want to know personal outlook instead.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
Is this guy arguing for the anonymous Satoshi and his stagnant 1 million bitcoins that could rock the market at anytime? To replace bitcoin, a system needs to be created that irons out all the bad actors, and non-actors. Richard shouted out to the entire crypto market for one full year, saying he has the next bitcoin and if you hold bitcoin, you can retrieve a ratio of HEX to keep your wealth status in the coming years. Bad actor addresses (the ones that could be identified) were blocked from claiming free HEX.
Furthermore, HEX’s contract doesn’t allow people to stake beyond 5555 days. The action of ending a stake is mandatory, otherwise your stake will bleed dry over the course of one year. This feature will flush out inactive addresses - promoting clarity and ensuring product protection.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
Back to the argument of “how would you start a currency?”
Once, I was doing work for a small group of entrepreneurs. I told the father of the group, “I think we should do a gig for someone else, then, use that money to be the founders of our next project “. They said no. They wouldn’t allow someone else to make a million, if they only made 10%. This argument is similar in my head. Your worried about fairness inside of your four horizons, but instead you probably would be better off getting lost in your work locally. (Like described in the book Small is Beautiful: Economics as if people mattered).
Davin Hoyt wrote:
Crypto is an immature market which is gaining maturity. HEX is a certificate of deposit on the internet that you don’t need to go to a banker for. It’s an easy situation to understand, as long as you weren’t already in crypto. Where you would be placing value on your emotions, or balloon up market caps based on chairmen social media conversations. Most things are “promise coins”, and that’s why I’m having to make this rebuttal.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
Projecting much? Maybe, after watching technology and bitcoin for almost a decade, a cereal entrepreneur decides to make something new. Something that is complete and ready to use - among promises. People that have enlisted themselves in HEX, live today looking forward for tomorrow; The HEX system exists with truth, and is already changing lives.
Davin Hoyt wrote:
Bitcoin was called a scam at one penny. It had its audience. It had its uses. Hop to this Permies! This is about adding freedom to your life.
PS- At least people are honest when they say, “a quick Google search”. The virus and hex both. I hope light is shining through a torn surface of your mental box. (I mean to be clear, not disrespectful)
PS2- I'm a spatial thinker. Lately, my mind has been trying to compare the timing of humus within a soil's life span, to available currency (liquidity) within a particular society's lifespan. I have been posting here in hopes that Permies' soil could be enhanced.
Devoured by giant spiders without benefit of legal counsel isn't called "justice" where I come from!
-Amazon Women On The Moon