"If we do not find anything very pleasant, at least we shall find something new"
For me it was documentary films. In particular, there were several that I watched that had to do with the global plastic pollution issue. [GRAPHIC CONTENT]One scene in particular sticks out: watching a baleen whale slowly dying as it choked on a tarp that had ended up in the ocean.[/GRAPHIC CONTENT]
The main result of these films was a radical change in my behavior. Now, whenever I am at the store and I am looking at a product on the shelf and I notice that it is mostly made of plastic and likely planned for short-term obsolescence, meaning it's likely destined for the landfill or the ocean - then I will not buy it. One great thing that I have noticed about this practice is that the satisfaction that I get not buying said object is generally much greater than the short-term satisfaction of having said item; and obviously no buyer's remorse ever. Additionally, (I keep spreadsheets on my finances) I have noticed that my financial savings have increased! So that's the consumption end...
On the production end, we attempt to grow as much as my food, fuel, fiber & medicine on our homestead as possible. As a family of 4, while we are not growing all of our own food, we grow enough for roughly 56 meals per week. So yeah, we're doing our best to cut down on food packaging.
We also anally manage 5 composting systems on the homestead.
growing food and medicine, keeping chickens, heating with wood, learning the land
Abraham Palma wrote:
Once thing that recently has reduced the yogourt cups was discovering the kefir. It's so easy to make (unlike yogurt that requires some machinery), that it has replaced a couple of our dairies a week, with no effort.
growing food and medicine, keeping chickens, heating with wood, learning the land
"Things that will destroy man: Politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; worship without sacrifice." -- Mohandas Gandhi
It's never too late to start gardening, and even the smallest project is worthwhile.
I reuse dog food bags for various thins; I am interested; how do you sew the feed bags together? Do you hand sew them? Use a sewing machine? If you use a sewing machine, which thread weight and needle do you use? if hand sewing, what weight in thread? TIA!
Finished one life quest, on to the next!
Finished one life quest, on to the next!
Jennie Little wrote:Okay, nut mlik bags. I don't have one. i'm willing to buy one ONLY if I need it. I made oat milk just fine in the blender. Anyone have an alternative filter idea I can use for a trial for almond milk? I'm okay with multiple sieves, and thought maybe a pillow liner (dust mite proof, should keep out a lot of almond meal, right?) or a pillow case would work for the wringing out part. Do I have to wring it out? Is a nut milk bag really necessary for a trial run?
Any help will be appreciated.
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Finished one life quest, on to the next!
I do not fail, I learn what does not work.
Jennie Little wrote:What did you do that changed how much you discarded? What was the most effective change?
the greatest adventure is not to explore new lands but to explore the familiar landscape with a new perspective
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
Bill Haynes wrote:Well....
I went from 2, 33 gallon bags of trash a day to one 33 gallon bag a week.
Enroute I went from a monthly electrical bill of $165.00 to a monthly electrical bill of $35.00
My gasoline bill went from $700.00 monthly to $240.00 (In my defense its a loong way to WalMart!)
I also went from every credit card maxed out, to a positive balance within a year
She told me she'd be back when I regained my senses, and thank heaven, I'm as loony as ever!
Life is too short, plant a tree for those that follow.
Jill of all and Misses of Targets -JMH
Praying my way through the day
Praying my way through the day
Praying my way through the day
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
Dave Bross wrote:
" Pack rat disease is real...and remember your early warning phrase..."I just might need this some day."
I'll toss in a slightly off topic auxiliary tip that was really hammered home in the great cleanup.
NEVER store anything for anybody.
It's like lending friends money, they will rationalize why they don't really need to come back and get it when they said they would, or, if they were paying you storage fees, those would quickly stop showing up and their stuff would sit for years after.
A few that owed me money, supposedly friends, went sneaking in there and stole their stuff back....and still never paid me.
We're talking about stuff like cutting the lock on my gate and towing cars out of there stealth when I wasn't around.
That was certainly an "OK, Wow! I see who you REALLY are now." kind of moment.
In the end, I had to dispose of all of it myself, even after telling the owners to come and get it or else it was gone.
Won't you be my neighbor? - Fred Rogers. tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies