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How Works (lots of useful links)
Julia Winter wrote:I listened to an interview with an author who has studied those who beat cancer with alternative methods:
Note: the link above will only work for a couple of months, if anyone has skillz for saving streaming audio, please use them and share with us!
Ask me about food.
How Works (lots of useful links)
Joel Hollingsworth wrote:
I read as much as I could stomach of one of Hulda's cancer books, this one published under the name Clark. It took a basic technology (the radio) with complicated science that scares most people, and applied it to a frightening problem that is extremely complicated (cancer), and reported that the whole problem was solved. Its interpretation of that process was highly suspect for two or three reasons.
For example, she claims that each species emits its own characteristic frequency of radio wave.
You could say that she had some unique combination of equipment and skill that allowed her to obtain results that no one else could, but she could share this technology if it existed, and I am entirely convinced that she has no unique expertise. A friend and former colleague of mine was on a team that built the world's least-noisy radio reciever to search for dark matter. A significant part of the experiment was identifying and tuning out all explainable signals: cell phones, AM and FM and shortwave broadcasting, sattelite transmissions, the 60 hz signal from the US power grid, etc. There was nothing much left. If Hulda's theory were correct, there would have been a signal from the operator whenever he entered the room, and another from each strain of lactobacilli and e. coli on his skin and in his gut; the lactobacilli in his fingerprints would keep emitting after he left the room. There would have been anomalous signals from dust mites, and from worms burrowing in the soil overhead. No such signals were observed. They would have been published as evidence of dark matter, of course...but I digress.
An example of internally inconsistent logic: The book claims that pulses of radio waves applied to the body using electrodes kill the parasites responsible (in her opinion) for cancer. Unfortunately, says she, the parasites have parasites of their own, which burrow out of the dead bodies after treatment: the treatment doesn't penetrate through the outer parasites, and so to get three or four layers down, you need repeated treatments at particular intervals. She is right to notice that living things are electrically conductive, and this conductivity can shield the contents of a living thing from some sorts of electromagnetic radiation, but how does she imagine waves reach inside of a person, if they can't reach inside of a notional fluke?
The stuff on herbs was not the focus of the edition I read. The book I saw centered on radio waves that cannot penetrate a living thing, zapping histology-proof parasites within a living thing.
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
"Things that will destroy man: Politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; worship without sacrifice." -- Mohandas Gandhi
"... And being swept along is not enough." R.M. Rilke
Marie Abell wrote: Call it oogly-boogly (as my husband does LOL) but I think there is some value here, both for preventative as well as curative medicine. Just my thoughts.
Glad to hear you are going pooless. I think that will add 8% overall
to your efforts. Most people report feeling better and healthier in
one week. And the deodorant thing can take a month.
I bet I can come up with 12 more suggestions like that. But all
together they will sound crazy. Just like pooless sounds a bit crazy
at first. But after toying with the idea for a few years, it sounds
less and less crazy.
1. did you watch those two movies i suggested? Did you listen to the
podcasts that go with them?
2. organic, organic, organic. If you do the research, you will
quickly be on board. It is pretty much impossible to get to 100%
organic. But if you get to 80% organic, you will probably start to
appreciate the benefits.
3. As long as it rains in xxxx [your city], most of the toxic gick in the air is
being washed away. But when it gets dry - go someplace with cleaner
4. Zero CFLs. LED is good for night lights and flashlights -
anything temporary. But for long term lighting, get incandescent.
5. your house and a lot of your furniture are off-gassing, but I
suspect that it is down to less than 1% of what it once was. No
biggie. I suspect that your camper is 50x worse. For staying in your
house, and even more so in your camper, I would super pressure you in
keeping ALL the windows open.
6. If you drink coffee:
7: watch the movie "chemerical". Then read this short ebook.
8: watch the movie "stink!"
9: shower with non-chlorinated water
11: avoid touching toxic gick or breathing in the fumes of toxic gick
- like mechanicing. Consider the fuel and the exhaust to be 100 times
worse for you than other people and treat it appropriately. [...] Take precautions.
12: when you get grease or oil on you, you have to get it off. You
probably use "goop" or dawn dish soap because it is so effective. I
suggest trying this stuff: It won't be as
effective, so you will use more of it. At the same time, as crazy as
this sounds, try to use the least amount to get the job done.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Rebecca Blake wrote:
Marie Abell wrote: Call it oogly-boogly (as my husband does LOL) but I think there is some value here, both for preventative as well as curative medicine. Just my thoughts.
I have never heard of “oogly-boogly” before, but if that’s oogly-boogly then I am a big fan!
paul wheaton wrote:
2. organic, organic, organic. If you do the research, you will
quickly be on board. It is pretty much impossible to get to 100%
organic. But if you get to 80% organic, you will probably start to
appreciate the benefits.
"... And being swept along is not enough." R.M. Rilke
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
"... And being swept along is not enough." R.M. Rilke
Marie Abell wrote:...... and later stating your case that everything shown in the X-Files is actually true. (😉).
Marie Abell wrote:..... A kind of stepdown program, if you will. Instead of jumping into someone's life and going straight for the home run right at first.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
John Weiland wrote:
Marie Abell wrote:...... and later stating your case that everything shown in the X-Files is actually true. (😉). least the 'Bambi Berenbaum' episode!![]()
John Weiland wrote:Question: Has anyone ever compared the cancer rates between indigenous tribes and their counterparts no longer living their traditional lifestyle for cancer incidence?
"... And being swept along is not enough." R.M. Rilke
paul wheaton wrote:A friend is in stage 4. ...
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Trace Oswald wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:A friend is in stage 4. ...
In addition to the things mentioned, if I had a friend with cancer, I would send him to this link: My cancer story rocks In fact, I'm on the protocol myself right now. The man used a chemical, fenben, in addition to several natural supplements. I know, it has a chemical in it that people here may not approve of, but if my friend was dying, I would want him to try it (obviously, since I am doing it myself). The site explains what happened and the process for a man that was written off by the medical establishment, and he is still alive and thriving.
I'll have more to report on my own situation, good or bad, soon enough.
Rebecca Blake wrote:
Trace Oswald wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:A friend is in stage 4. ...
In addition to the things mentioned, if I had a friend with cancer, I would send him to this link: My cancer story rocks In fact, I'm on the protocol myself right now. The man used a chemical, fenben, in addition to several natural supplements. I know, it has a chemical in it that people here may not approve of, but if my friend was dying, I would want him to try it (obviously, since I am doing it myself). The site explains what happened and the process for a man that was written off by the medical establishment, and he is still alive and thriving.
I'll have more to report on my own situation, good or bad, soon enough.
Best of luck to you Trace!
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
paul wheaton wrote:I spent halloween visiting friends. A couple. The fella told me about how he had a growth appear on his forehead. Somebody pointed it out to him and said it was most certainly cancer. The same person said to look into this black goo - it apparently beats skin cancer.
My friend tried it and the cancer-looking thing shriveled up and fell off.
Later I wrote to him and asked what it is called. He said "black salve, from Herbal Plus." He also said that they make pills for other kinds of cancer.
Failure is a stepping stone to success. Failing is not quitting - Stopping trying is
Never retire every one thinks you have more time to help them - We have never been so busy
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Melding permaculture, bau-biologie, holistic nutrition oncology and functional medicine since 1997.,,
Anne Cline wrote:I am stage 4b fallopian tube cancer now with peritoneal carcinomatosis and lung metastasis. I have been dealing with this since the beginning of 2019. I have gone through the conventional treatments and I'm going through the conventional treatment again. I don't seem to be winning. So I am in search of anything alternative. It's so confusing doing research there's so many different things in so many different people saying different things it'll make your head spin. Doctors say nothing about nutrition doctors say nothing about my blood tanking out it's like they don't care as long as I can do the chemo they're happy.. I have lost all faith in the medical industry and I do believe it's all about the money nothing to do with curing you they have no intentions of doing that. So what I am asking for is any advice or point in the right direction of what I can do to possibly help me live a little longer. I was so greatly appreciate any advice.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Anne Cline wrote:I am very thankful for all of you who are sending excellent information on alternative options for my cancer. At this point I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Conventional treatments have failed me. If I don't take my life into my own hands, I will lose my life. Thank you all.
Melding permaculture, bau-biologie, holistic nutrition oncology and functional medicine since 1997.,,
Cory Collins wrote:It's astonishing to me the amount of suffering a person will endure without even considering changing their diet or lifestyle.
Marie Abell wrote:So have natural remedy "quacks", which is hard to believe when the only legal treatment for cancer (in the U.S., at least) has as low as a 2 percent success rate.
Paul Fookes wrote:As a thinking ex-health professional, the think I have found highly disappointing is when people overstate their findings/ results/ success, no matter whether they are using traditional western medicine model, traditional eastern model or first nations medicine. My personal belief is that the truth lies in there but it may be a mix of various modalities.
Anne Cline wrote:I have lost all faith in the medical industry and I do believe it's all about the money nothing to do with curing you they have no intentions of doing that.
Anne Cline wrote:At this point I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Conventional treatments have failed me.
Still able to dream.
Tomorrow's another day...
Jeanne Wallace wrote:
• Mitochondria control the fate of the cell, but few folks know the powerful ways to heal mitochondria (it's free and costs nothing).
• Differentiation is a process by which mutated and cancerous cells REVERT back to healthy cells. It's easy to harness.
• Chemotherapy and Radiation therapies kill only rapidly dividing cells—be they neoplastic or healthy. Stem cells are untouched by these treatments; they can repopulate a tumor. Cancer stem cells are easy to address with specific foods.
• Boosting the immune system is often contraindicated because tumors recruit immune cells and train them to foster cancer progression. These recruited cells are called Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes, Tumor-Associated Macrophages, etc. This immune landscape is easy to discover on your routine blood work.
Let me tell ya a story about a man named Jed. Poor mountain man with a tiny ad:
permaculture and gardener gifts (stocking stuffers?)