Simon Foreman wrote:My working theory at the moment is that Nature produced us to help life escape the Earth. In approximately 800,000,000 years the Sun will become too radiant and life on Earth will become physically impossible. I believe that Gaia knows this and developed us large-brained talking primates with dexterous hands to build the means to spread to the rest of the Universe (which, as far as we can tell, is barren.)
I believe that the evolution of human intelligence had to have a disharmonious phase due to the nature of intelligence itself, but now that we have got our bearings and have some idea of what's going on, we will rapidly settle down and get to work.
Now, I want to be clear that I have no actual idea if this is anything remotely resembling the truth, it's just what I choose to believe to make sense of the world around me.
What I hope is that we can harmonize ourselves with the rest of the living world and become again natural, with our scientific knowledge and the machinery to carry Nature to the rest of the as-yet.
Everything I do destroys lives (of bugs and plants and little animals) and habitat (e.g. the nest of little mammals that I uncovered when I was clearing the well head.) When I cut down the dead branches interfering with the tarp (and being a fire hazard) I remembered the morning that I saw them draped in spiderwebs in the nearly-horizontal early morning sunlight. Beautiful! Homes of dozens! Catchers of small flying insects!
But it's got to go.
The two things that makes me feel okay with it is the reflection that all creatures alter the "zone" around their homes, and I'm going to disrupt and destroy as little as I can to make my home.
I hope one day that my activities will provide scope for ever more life than I necessarily destroy. But the priority in the moment is to be as little-destructive as possible.
Looking back I really don't know what I was thinking. That's one of the factors that makes me think that I should wait until the heat passes: it seems to make me stupid.
You've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, tiny ad?
heat your home with yard waste and cardboard