We live rural, and are "alone with nature" ... couldn't imagine any other way. How can one be truly alone, when surrounded by nature? We have our immediate family around us now, and long-term, will be working towards a true multi-generational farm. That is just the right amount of people in one space (some amount of acreage).
This doesn't mean you have to cut off all contact ...
Join the
local VFD ... we met a lot of folks that way. Young or old, there is always a way for you to be of help to the community. Fighting fire, maintaining the station and equipment, or even just making lunches. Join their VFD auxiliaries. Apply all the knowledge gained towards your own property.
We get together with our friends, for our version of a rural block-party. Our place, any one of their places, and always out in the middle of nowhere, on their version of 40 acres. Sometimes it's two families, most times it's a bunch of families. The kids are out the car door before I can get it in park ...
We discovered these friends doing exactly what *we* are doing, and found them in farmers' markets, events/festivals, and more ... just finding one family, immediately found us 10 more, thru their friends & contacts. Find such events, and talk with the folks there (most are local). If no such events ... make one. Host a preparedness fair ... get a nearby community center (like the local VFD station), or a small town community center that will allow access for free, and bring your skills. Distance no longer matters ...
Life slows way down in the country ... I think I've added years back to my life, and my children are much better off than I was, growing up.