God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
Bacon Lee wrote:
With 6" flue, the area for flue is 28.27
heat riser and feed tube be 5.25 * 5.25, area = 27.56
burn tunnel area is 5.25*4.5 = 27.
I think this is the closest I can get to area of flue without go over the area of the flue.
Bacon Lee wrote:
Cheat Sheet from Rocket Stove Book
1) Soft common bricks are as good as firebricks and can be used in burn chamber
Bacon Lee wrote:
Heat riser should be from 25-50
Bacon Lee wrote:
15) Feed verical and load a full feed tube or we will have smoke
Bacon Lee wrote:
16) Floor protection would be 2-3 inches of clay and perlite.
Bacon Lee wrote:
Thomas, I wish I know how to build the inner cord like you did, but I don't think I can do that, so I have to stick with firebricks or soft common bricks.
Bacon Lee wrote:
Erik: You mean we have a brick sitting on our burning wood? I thought the brick should be cover the feed tube and sitting on the feed tube?
Bacon Lee wrote:
The cardboard concrete form I can buy it at homedepot? Does it need tools to work with. I don't think I can do that if this job require tools or a lot of heavy work. Mixing perlite and clay and stuff them in the empty space, I can do that.
I am checking the triple wall stainless steel pipe. If I have this one, I don't need any tool, because they already in the cylinder shape with empty space, I just stuff the mixture in it, right? It is costly, but I can't back out now. I will not eat this month to save enough for that, but is triple wall stainless is ready to use then I should go for it.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Bacon Lee wrote:
So i buy the same pipe as the duct, i don't have to buy the steel pipe? why don't you buy the one 48", why would you buy 2 of 24" ? I think this is easier for me since I don't have to cut bricks.
Bacon Lee wrote:
Here, please see if this is ok, tripple wall, ready to use. Is it good idea?
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Now I have to learn what is pocketrocket
She said she got a brazillian. I think owning people is wrong. That is how I learned ... tiny ad:
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