I have an old
pond that leaks. I've tried fixing it, but after talking to some experts in the area I've learned that the ground underneath is all fractured limestone and there's no good way to seal it reliably. Even if it does seal, it's only a matter of time before it opens a leak - which quickly becomes an
underground waterfall into the abyss. It can hold
water for days or even weeks at a time, but inevitably it dries out.
So I've decided to give up on the
pond and instead encourage some plant growth to turn it into a half acre wetland oasis for wildlife. Can anyone recommend some good
native plants I
should put in there? The water fills to about 12 feet deep when there's heavy rain, so it would need to survive full submersion for days at a time in the center. Arond the edge, obviously it would be less deep and stay submerged for less time.
Thanks in advance!