Henevere wrote:
It was too whiny for my taste. Some of it was interesting and gave good examples of how laws heavily benefit big business and are hard for small landowners. The rest was a lot of political ranting about peripheral issues.
My favorite part of reading that book was whipping it out while I was waiting on a jury panel. I didn't get picked.
“You meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it.”
~ Carl Jung
1. my projects
solarguy2003 wrote:
I don't know how many have seen this little piece of news:
The USDA has fined a family 90,000 dollars for selling rabbits, but not being licensed and USDA inspected.
The disgusting part... there is no requirement for them to be licensed and inspected to do what they do.
Call your congressperson before you are one being fined for who-knows-what.
Finest regards,
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Pam wrote:
Did you see the update?
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Idle dreamer
Sunglasses. AKA Coolness prosthetic. This tiny ad doesn't need shades:
Willow Feeder movie