I tried to work out a "deal" to trade some goats yesterday. After driving 1 1/2 hrs with two of my beautiful girls I shudder to think I was going with the intention of leaving them there. Apparently the pictures that were shown to me of the goats I was to trade for didn't show the side of one goat that had symptoms of SORE MOUTH! eww. Also known as orf. It is a zoonotic disease too (meaning people can get it). I picked up my 150lb boer doe and practically threw her back in the truck. I couldn't budge her by myself loading her at home! Adrenaline will allow you to do crazy things. I spent the evening scrubbing
boots, feet (ours and the goats) and wiping down anything we may have touched. Washed our clothes and shoes in
hot water too. I'm thinking now is the time to close my herd and just deal with the genetics that i have unless I can shuck out the money to buy a guaranteed quality animal from a clean clean clean herd.
this is a pic of a goat with sore mouth and is very similiar to what one side of this goats mouth looked like. what little respect some people have to potential buyers of their stock. how could you not notice this on a goat you were going to