From what I understand (and I could be mistaken, as I only ever breastfed because I have the problem of over production), formula isn't really needed once the little one turns one. Their guts are more developed (we no longer have to worry about botulism from
honey, because of gut development, for example), and they are able to chew and digest more solid foods, and get more nutrients out of those solids. Usually, at a year of age, babies/toddlers switch from formula to whole milk. Though, whole milk can be hard for some to digest. I think kefir, yogurt, and cheeses give all the benefits of
dairy, without it being hard for them to digest, and also helping to colonize their guts with beneficial bacteria. Yogurt can be made from raw milk, and it's actually easier to do that way. I used to make yogurt from raw milk. You heat it slowly to 110, so the milk is warm but not boiling or being pasteurized, add the yogurt culture (from what ever yogurt you like), and keep it at that temperature for 4-24 hours. 24 hours will remove all lactose and produce a sour yogurt. 4 hours makes a sweet yogurt that's probably not as healthy or as full of bacteria, but more palatable to some.
My husband has Crohn's so I've continued to breastfeed my daughter (she's a year and a half) and have slooooooowly introduced foods. Just a few days ago I now introduced dairy, starting with sheep cheese and yogurt, as those have less of the proteins that are found in cows milk--and both her and her brother reacted to cow's milk as infants. But, if your little one doesn't react to cow milk proteins, then I think making kefir and yogurt from raw cows milk would be great. Like Mike said, introduce it slowly--maybe start at half a cup and increase from there, in case it gives her the runs to begin with.
To ensure she's getting
enough vitamins, also make sure to include lots of vitamin-rich foods in her diet: eggs (especially the yokes), berries, maybe liver once a week, vegetables, etc.