1. This is a verbascum pulveralentum, this one is not growing in my garden but some mile or so down the road, which means up the mountain they are called gordo lobos here, fat wolves. I like them in the garden they are human size or a bit bigger and so growing in the grass under the
apple trees they have a ghostly presence.
They grow a rosette of basal leaves on the first year, they are bienials as far as i can make out, and then send up these big shoots the second year. It seems to me they must have very deep roots that bring up the mutrients in the subsoil and by digging through it and by leaving the dead roots behind in the soil, they must start to condition new levels of soil so that plants with a less strong growth can later use deeper levels of soil and so that more water is accumulated in your soil. Organic matter absorbes and retains water, iso more organic material at different depths of your soil more retention of water.
2. Here are the verbascum under my apple trees, i think the deeper yellow flower is hypericum a plant which also can be planted as a garden plant not a weed in England here is is a protected weed and not very pretty in the garden. The deep rooted weeds stay green way into the dry season.
I put a lot of sticks under the tree the
deer dont like walking through a mountain of sticks and they work as a mulch a rather airtey mulch they must give some shade to the ground at any rate. There is a hazel tree on the right, the deer did clean their anklers on that and now it is not very well, has one type of fungi or another.
3. Here is a photo of the basal rosette of the verbascum it is what appears the year before the flower spike grows.
Feilds full of wild flowers change with the seasons, in spring this will look very different, the verbascum and the hirpericum where not grown last time i was in the garden three weeks ago in may but there was wild geranium everywhere and the horses celery, i have to look for the latin name of that, that find really pretty was growing in the grass.
I have not seen verbiscum under the
apple tree this year, maybe my husband has done something to them, how can married people ever carry out experiments, like seeing how well weeeds better the soil. These plants must have a long root to grow so big, if the area is full of them just imagine how deeply the soil is gettign turned into deep top soil.
4. I have put in a picture of the the dark yellow flower of the photo of verbascum under the apple trees. agri rose macaskie.