excerpts from GET..."What is it"
…if you’re familiar with the polyacrylamides and how they’re becoming popular…but can never be ORGANIC or NON toxic?
Global EarthTek™ (GET) is the ORGANIC equivalent….The world’s only multi-link, totally organic (Organic Trade Association, EPA approved) polymer. Provides all of the functions of the toxic chemical version and gives many additional benefits. Researchers and users say Global Earth Tek protects against fungus, mold,
root disease, etc.
Global EarthTek (GET) is very multi-functional... acts as a fungicide/disease/virus control, controls soil born and flying insects, helps the soil retain water, great nutrient delivery system, detoxify soil, prevents ground water & downstream chemical run off, increases root and stem mass plus more. Probably the most important product to any grower. Low field application cost and totally organic derived from crustacean.
USDA, University, and private research shows the ingredients in GET reduce or control diseases that attack plants. The ingredients also act as a controlled nutrient release, increase soil water retention, and build enzymes in plants increasing the immune and phyto-defense systems.
Boy, sounds like snake-oil...but it works, and it's ORGANIC !