Hi all! I'm a totally novice gardener, and since buying our first home, I've gone a little nuts with planting.
I'm going to mostly
perennial veggies, herbs and fruit (with some tasty exceptions...). I purchased 6 artichoke starts, thinking they would be really easy to grow considering my dad has some and he never does anything more than
water it (I don't even think he eats them...anyway!).
So, I planted them right in our soil, loosening the soil beneath (we have clay soil, but it's great and loaded with worms) and creating a slight mound for each start using
compost, topsoil, steer manure (composted), etc. Well, all 6 plants (they were about 4-6" tall when i got them) are being eaten alive. We have tons of slugs in our
yard, so I'm thinking that's the issue, but I haven't seen many slime trails, so I'm not sure. They keep sprouting new little leaves, but those start getting chewed on too.
Two look healthy-ish (compared to the other 4, anyway).
I'm not sure what I
should do at this point. Buy new starts? Try again next year?
I have
enough wood to make a 5X10 cedar bed, if that will help (though then I have to fill it and our funds are kind of low at the moment). If we opt to do the cedar bed, how many plants can fit in it? 2? 3? Should I plant anything around the artichokes to deter slugs? I have a bunch of marigolds that need homes and various herbs I can take cuttings from...not sure if that will help though.
I've also sprayed with neem oil, but that didn't seem to do much of anything.
Anyone have some wisdom to share? Thanks for your time :-)