i've been living in bolivia since may, getting by to NY in august.
i hadnt heard about htis law but that is awesome..
, is it really being made a law or is this only a proposal ?
how many amazing sounding proposals get made each year,and fail?
i'll reserve my enthusiasm for its passage and funding/enforcement.
the president here tried now (the narco coca farmer many here call him)
tried to pass a law to require old vehicles be registered and i think maybe some emissions control...the commercial drivewrs protested by blockading all teh roads and bringing the
city to its knees basically... its pretty common here.. anytime anyone protesting anything,bçfor better or worse,wants attention they simply block up the main roads in and out of cities...same just happened for a water strike in el alto La Paz. and also in Peru with the canadian mining comppany wanting to mine near Titicaca (that one got real nasty, the people started attacking all travelrs and setting fire to border checkpoints, u couldnt get in or out of peru by
land for weeks.
thankfully its open again, im heading to cusco soon for Pachamama Hatun Festival...cant wait!!