First off - I have seen a couple of these types of posts so I gather they are allowed - if not, I am sorry and please let me know! Also, if there is a better place to move it to, or cross-post, let me know that too.
As I've described
elsewhere, it is looking like time for me to pass on my lovely 10 acres of partly wooded south-facing
land in northern Idaho, to someone else, who is in a better place to do something with it. The end (or pause) of one dream might become the beginning of someone else's!
There are some challenges that would have to be overcome before trying to homestead - but there just might be a
Permie type out there that is looking for something just like it and is ready to work!
I'm going to just bullet point for now to get started, gauge interest, etc.:
Kootenai County - about 50 minutes south of Coeur d'Alene - kind of near the SE end of the lake (no lake view though....unless you build 80++ feet
)Square lot approx 660' x 660'Off the beaten path....then off of that....then off of that... see below for detailsMostly gently sloping NE down to SW, couple of flat-ish spotsNo creek, but a bit more watershed than just the 10 acres (I think)Next to a disused field (which is part of a 640-acre farm / timber parcel that is also for sale...)Partly timbered; mostly Ponderosa pine and some of another species or two; apparently at least partly logged decades agoKootenai just changed to allow opt-out of building codes under certain conditions (for now.....I noticed one of the Commissioner candidates is campaigning on "common sense and safety for your family" between the lines....but I digress)
It's out there a bit - somewhat isolated....err, Peaceful. The neighbors on the county road all seem pretty nice, and a lot of it is farm or timber land.
There's only one house visible from part of the property! Across the little canyon.You can only hear a bit of highway noise off in the distance (from two sides)Other than that, it's mostly you and the turkeys and coyotes and barking elk and occasional power equipment off in the distance - quite lovely, actuallyAlmost but not quite next to a State Park (aka local game preserve
)There are some other wells in the area, but I don't know much about all of that yetI've also researched nearby septic, taken drone video, found the original 1914 land patent, 3-D topo mapped it in Google Earth, etc.
For the...ah, less desirable qualities.....or maybe those qualities for the more adventurous / willing to work for a lower price!
No legal access (that is, recorded easement) - YET - may be possibleGood, recent logging road goes most of the way from the county road to the neighboring field - something like 1-1/2 or 2 miles!Old logging road appears to go around the hillside, through a different neighbor, and does go through my parcelThere's a third neighbor (farm) through which a hypothetical easement would be a lot shorter - all of that would have to be arranged and built thoughI *think* it's on the Reservation - trying to confirm this and if so, exactly what difference it makes (I think they at least retain hunting rights)There may be some complications with title insurance and such - I am working on that - I don't think anything bad, just more steps to work through
Price?? Like a good engineer, my
answer is: "It depends..." How much work do you want to put in, how much....uh, unorthodoxy?... are you willing to deal with? I've had two different people in the industry wet-thumb it (after a basic look) in the 50-60k+ range - if you could drive right to it and all the usual ducks were in their usual row (i.e. with easements and road and clear title and so on).
I am not an attorney, real estate professional, title specialist or medical doctor, and this does not constitute legal, medical or other professional advice or an offer for sale or solicitation for bid, etc. etc. No warranties expressed or implied, wash before wear, contents may be hot after heating, all rights reserved. Et cetera ad infinitum!
That's all for now. Even if my ideas aren't working out for now, I think I'd just as soon
sell to a fellow Permie, as to an out-of-state "investor" or someone who will put in a 4000-sq-ft typical house for 3 people and 2 dogs!