The sheep have poopy bums. Why?
I put the sheep on their summer place three weeks ago. Two weeks ago, they started getting poopy bum problem. Cotswold have the worst problem, with the young cotswold lambs having it most.
less than two weeks ago their bum started being poopy. If it was the pasture, I thought it would be the first day. Also, I expect everyone would have a problem, but it is mostly the young lambs (old lambs are fine) and pure breed adult sheep. Not the mixed.
They have
hay and grain supplementing
feed. Normal minerals for our location.
Weather changed at the time of the poopy. We went from hot to hot and wet to hot and not so wet. It was at the start of the hot and not so wet that the
poop started.
No new animals on the farm except a wild dear that got in (hopefully it will be
deer sausage soon) with the sheep.
Under the eyes looks fine, if only slightly pale. We applied worm meds to the lambs with no change in poop. Theory is we don't want to use worm meds if we don't have to so we only gave to some to see if there was difference. like a control group.
We moved them back to winter paster today to discover if it's something in the summer pasture that is poisoning them.
Need suggestions what else can be causing bad poo and how to make it better.