I found that burning mugwort—not smoking it—causes vivid or lucid dreams. Also, making tea from it. Or smoking it, as I tried for the first time last night, but I think it’s probably healthier to simply burn it, getting the same
medicinal parts and less of the toxic qualities of smoke.
Nevertheless, it was an interesting
experience. I paid close attention to my consciousness, and it seemed a little more centered in the body, as if there were an ethereal light permeating the body: centered around the heart, but expanding throughout.
Before going to sleep, there were closed-eye visions of a person who seemed to have an appearance resembling mugwort, maybe a visualization of some plant spirit or “mugwort deity”.
I also experienced a rare state (or one forgotten by morning) I call sleep-cognition, wherein there is a brightness to consciousness, and thought is concentrated around a single thought perceived as profound and ecstatic, but the waking mind tends to find it difficult to comprehend. Lucidity, flying, and passing through solid walls resulted as well.
I think that maybe chrysanthemum has similar dream herb characteristics. One, the leaves are similar, and the plants are related; two, I have had vivid dreams after rubbing the leaves and smelling them.
A friend of mine has had strange mental effects like distortion of space and time just from touching the mugwort plant, thus they avoid it. It seems like the active components are very asimilable aerially or topically; mugwort pillows and so on are used for the same purpose, if I remember well.