hau Heather, fear not, there is hope and you can remediate those chemicals so your foods are not contaminated.
You can purchase fungi either in spore or spawn forms these days and that is what will break down those nasty chemicals as well as getting your soil food web kick started for recovery.
You can also go wild foraging for
mushrooms and use a blender and
water to create mushroom slurries which you pour into the soil to do the same thing.
That grass clipping/oak leaf supplemented garden bed is another place to add mushroom slurry so the fungi can do their job of breaking down chemicals into harmless components.
Start a
compost heap and add fungi to it, this will give you good compost for future amendment to your garden beds.
See if you can find a tree service and ask if they need a place to dump the
wood chips, you can usually get at least one load for free.
by mixing wood chips with other, compostable materials and adding fungi, you can not only create great compost but you can also inoculate with edible mushroom spawn that will give you great mushrooms once the spawn has fully occupied the wood chip pile (use a pure wood chip pile for oysters and Yum).
If you make as much use of the wonders of fungi, you will be chemical free in as little as one year, two years and you will have a great fungi network growing in your soil, getting rid of all contaminates and freeing up minerals for your plants so you won't need any "fertilizers".
By the way, your insects will shift to the good bug side too.