Hi Joseph, you might have a problem if your ags is only set up for 2 wire start. I watched the company's
video and since they can start it at the generator using a 3 position switch which returns to neutral once its started instinct tells me you would need to have an ags for 3 wire start. Here is the difference. 2 wire start generators have a relay waiting to close on a signal. when the relay closes it tells the generator to start. Remove signal and it stops. the generator itself does crank time, number of trys etc from an an board controller. Its very simple at the ags, complicated at the generator. For 3 wire start like on onan generators its 2 separate signals to 2 separate relays. relay 1 turn on relay 2 turn off. The generator on a 3 wire start does not maintain the signal to relay one but uses it only for starting. Crank time number of tries, successful run is all controlled from the ags. Smart ags, dumb generator... Clear as mud? You would probably need the ags stand alone type from Magnum
Energy and hack into the on off switch at the generator. You could try hacking your fob to jury rig something. Understand I'm not sure and would have to play with it... What is the model number anyways. You have me intrigued since we have a lot of clients who want a cheaper option then what we offer as auto start generators.
Cheers, David