Hi, we've had our piglets for about 3 weeks now. When we got them they were about 7 or 8 weeks old. Of the four, one of them appears to be coughing every now and then. It's not very frequent, but I do hear him at least once every day. He appears to be in good health and no significant differences from the other 3 (I don't think they are all from the same litter).
They are living outside in a 1/2 acre paddock that is half woodland and half open/brush. There is a
shelter but as far as we can tell they never use it. They seem to prefer bedding down in dense brush in the woods. They have daily access to pig pellets and some scraps from the kitchen (veggie trimmings, mostly). Only one of the four does this coughing thing. I noticed it about a week after we got them, but not sure if he may have had it before then.
Any ideas?
Should I be concerned?