This was from the topic of "Help my baby turkey can't stand up" that was started several years ago. Alice had added a new problem to the
thread about her turkey the other day.
Alice Sanchez wrote:HELP!!! My baby turkey who I just got who look like 2 or 3 weeks old all of a sudden won't stand up or open it's eyes... I know it's awake... it's peeping moving just a little bit and iv'e been keeping it under my shirt to keep it warm thinking it's freezing to death, but then I looked at his but and saw a whole bunch of hard poop covering his butthole so I cleaned it all off and it's still not doing anything... and now it's rolling onto it's back and i'm trying my best to keep it alive... i'm only 13 and I just got these turkey's yesterday from my mom's naboure... the other two turkey's are alright... but it's just this one turkey who's not coroperating... please help me ASAP i'm scared i'm gonna loose it :'(
Tina Hillel wrote:Alice, I hope the turkey survives. You may need to use an eyedropper to keep the little one hydrated. If it seems cold, you may need to use a heat lamp or a heating pad wrapped in a towel so you don't overheat the turkey.
Unfortunately they sometimes just make it despite your efforts and that part never gets easier. It's great that as a young person, you are trying to give it a good start and such care. Hang in there.
I am hoping Alice updates what has happened or that those with more
experience might see this and be able to help with it on its own topic. Thank you!