BRK Post 45
Nice easy day today, woke up at 8, got out of bed at 10.
Still some cool stuff to document.
First I got to pet Bear a bunch, he is getting more comfortable with me.
Then during my observation practice I realized an interesting way I can naturally tell exactly when it the temperature drops below 45 degrees. If I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt I'm warm
enough until below 45 degrees upon which I'll begin to shiver. I thought it was an interesting observation.
Also practiced drawing the clouds.
While I was walking around looking for microclimates, I found what I think so a spinach plant coming up on it's own. I've got a picture, feel free to chime in.
Went to basecamp to see how my soil hydration efforts are going. I can stick my hand in and not feel any dry dirt, I like how its going.
Ended the day making some french toast and scrambled eggs for dinner.