12 years ago we drilled our 180-ft well and installed a very "normal" Grundfos AC pump because we got it cheap, and we assumed we'd run it out soon and THEN get a DC pump with dedicated PV panels for it. The pump still works and gives us its very consistent 15-gpm flow into a 1500-gal tank we use to gravity
feed water to house and garden, but the sad old gas generator that's been sitting out in the weather all this time seems to be not long for this world. Since that pump is still fine, I wonder if I can avoid replacing the gas generator and use a goal zero panel-and-battery system, since they have AC plugs. The literature from our pump tells me "the generator must be sized 50% above the P1 (input power) values of the pump..." ...which are: 1.0hp motor; 2600W = min. generator size; 3200W = min. generator output. I'm sadly not electrically literate, but I'm guessing the more affordable ~400Wh-rated goal zero systems are NOT powerful
enough for our pump, though their rating is in Wh and not W.
Our well is far enough away from our house (all PV) that it's not feasible to plug into the house.... And I think that's too much draw on our house system anyway. Though maybe not, we do run power tools when it's sunny.
So do I just get a new gas generator? Any other options without spending the money on an entire
solar system?
Thanks in advance.