r ranson wrote:Moderator note.
Just a reminder everyone, people from all over the world and all levels of experience use this site.
Please, if you are going to use an abbreviation or acronym for something, please say what it stands for.
Throwing letters around leads to, at best, frustration on the readers part and at worst, miscommunication and strife.
Please be courteous to your readers.
Nowhere in the KNF community does anyone NOT talk or write like we have been here. Everyone that practices KNF, calls FPJ, "FPJ", etc.
We all learned it the same way, and that's how all websites, and real life people communicate about KNF. Those are, in general, the terms we think, speak, and write in.
I personally don't think it's fair for this website to expect practitioners to completely alter their organic way of communicating about KNF.
If you took a KNF
class they would say "this product is called IMO#1, IMO#2, IMO#3, IMO#4.. . Then they would tell you that IMO stands for indigenous micro organisms, then they would go back to calling it IMO. They do not ever refer to the product as anything except, IMO, FPJ, WSC, WSCaP, except for one time only.
KNF is pretty much the cutting edge of
permaculture, and the next stage in the evolution of organic farming.
If this website hopes to have some of that here I think it would be wise to accept it for what it is rather than expect all the practitioners with knowledge to spell everything out every time when in real life, and on the face book groups or virtually any other website or venue this is how we talk, write, think and communicate about the products and system.
Kids that grow up around KNF learn that it's called IMO, because that's what everyone calls it.
There are other threads on this site that the mods bent the rules for, such as the "I am an INTJ, what are you?" where there is something like 15 pages of people communicating with the initials of the terms they are using.
It could be argued that that
thread is entirely useless compared with a thread about KNF.
Although the initials do stand for something, the product names are always preferred to by the shortened version.
I notice it's similar with farmers when confronted with KNF.
They want the KNF system to bend and conform to them and their way of thinking and their ways of doing things, but it is a wholistic system that operates differently. You can't expect it to work if you are just trying to assimilate aspects of it into the old system of "modern ag".
Ag needs to conform to KNF, not the other way around.
KNF is practiced in over 40 countries around the world and we all refer to to the inputs and system the exact same way.
It is easier for an English speaker to communicate with a , Thai, Korean, or Indonesian farmer in the globally accepted terms like IMO then to spell everything out in English.
on other websites people from all around the world have assimilated the terms and it makes it easier for people from multiple cultures to communicate in terms like FPJ, and IMO.