The addition of chooks to the backyard and seed/grain and food scraps in their pen has attracted a lot of birds, sparrows, Indian minors, but mostly pigeons, the pigeons like to scratch though the veggie garden makeing a small mess (nothing like the chooks can) we put up some shiny
owl deterants that worked for about a week…until they realized they were plastic, lol.. Today however I observed when my little Jack Russell “MACK” went past them they flew away fast. This got me thinking…
I could train MACK to chase the pigeons when she see them, I imagine they will eventual take a disliking to the area, after multiple experiences of being chased and will move onto safer ground.
I believe this PATTERN could be applied in many instances.
Problem: Unwanted “Pest” animal in unwanted place destroying/messing/attacking something,
Soloution: Natural “predator” something they are afraid of that can be trained or naturally responds.
It’s open to applications, that’s what the
thread is for to see if this is a useful PATTERN,
And how people have applied is various contexts…