Lauren, I'm thinking something glitched in our system and for some reason interpreted your name as that of a spammer. I can't figure out how or why that happened. I'm thinking that maybe that's why you had a hard time posting.
You've probably got a message ("moosage") in your inbox here, asking you to change your name. It starts what is called a "name-fix stratagy," but I don't see why you'd need to change your name. I'm going to see if I can cancel the name-fix strategy, which will hopefully make it easier for you to post!.
I'm really sorry this happened!
(Also, you asked for a how-to-post
thread. Here's our thread about
How Works). There's lots of links there to various tutorials. If there's any thing that we didn't
answer in there, please mention it!
Oh, and if you tried to post in any of our "Cider Press" topics, you might have gotten a You Cannot Post message, as people need a certain amount of apples to post there (this helps keep out trolls and Flame War starters from hijacking that thread.)