I'd like to get a permacultural view on this.
I've got this 6 foot tall chain link
fence running 70 feet roughly on the north-south axis literally 4 feet from the edge of my house. It used to be covered in ivy, which was removed because each year the neighbor had to rip up vines 10 feet long from her
yard, and because it was starting to tangle with my kiwi, the house, and had generally just gotten too big.
fence is pretty well shaded, the soil drains well. I'm looking for some kind of vine to provide some privacy from the neighbor. Ideally, it would be evergreen and provide some flowers and/or fruit. Year before last was one of the coldest we've seen, and it got down to 5 degrees. Also, it wouldn't want to invade the neighbor's yard quite so much. Or, maybe some kind of espaliered evergreen shrub?
You can still see some of the woody vines left from the ivy. It was first attacked spring of last year, and we've been picking the small amount of growth it's had regularly (and I believe the neighbor dumped some herbicide on one spot, but it doesn't seem to have affected much). I'm hoping to be able to plant next spring, and will probably keep having to remove vegetation from the ivy for a while.
Here are some pictures, taken at 11 am this morning to give you an idea of what I'm working with.
Looking North:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RuTTBmxcUr0/ThtGc554J8I/AAAAAAAABMM/-mh37G3G7-M/s640/DSCN3245.JPG Looking South, from the end of the fence:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0tMMfiU9h-Q/ThtGmwKUMnI/AAAAAAAABMc/ncwR9xFRQhE/s512/DSCN3249.JPG Looking South, closer to the house:
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Hbwys4sGwQA/ThtGdUyBQYI/AAAAAAAABMQ/_yiSB1raI4c/s512/DSCN3247.JPG Ideas? I was thinking maybe Clematis armandii?