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Roberto pokachinni wrote:I could not remember hearing about hexavalent chromium before, so I looked it up, and then I remembered. Scary stuff. Sad for you, Elle. Wish I had better things to say. Perhaps you'll have to go all Erin Brockovich or something on somebody to get something done about it. Good luck either way with whatever you and your husband end up doing.
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Gurkan Yeniceri wrote:Oil drilling one side, electronic waste the other.
Time to sell and move. Maybe you can generate some money by selling to an oil company. I know it is not ethical but somebody will do it for sure.
You can fight with them but that will destroy your life you are trying to live.
It is only hexavalent chromium at the moment, once that electronic waste starts to break down to the core and leach god knows what to the aquifer, what is gonna happen.
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Mike Jay wrote:Isn't it better to sell it while disclosing the issue (assuming the test is official and all that) than it is to live there and drink poison until you die? The water won't get any better so it will only get harder to sell. Come live somewhere with lots of natural water and no oil wells (wooded portions of MN, WI, MI, NY and New England to name a few).
As Gurkan suggested, oil companies won't care about your water test. Probably neither will the wheat farmers...
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See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Mike Jay wrote:Ok, fair enough, I understand the family thing. But you can still move off of the toxic piece of land to somewhere in the neighboring area. Maybe it could even further your permaculture dreams. Or give you a different challenge but one that's within your control.
I still think "Get out while the gettin's good (or at least fair)"
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