List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
S Bengi wrote:Half an Acre is 21,000 sqft.
If you plant at 10ft centers (100sqft) you can fit 210 plants
If you plant at 15ft centers (225sqft) you can fit 90 plants.
I like using 15ft centers aka 90 plants.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Bryant RedHawk wrote:What they are promoting is upper half Bonsai style pruning, it works quite well as long as you keep on top of it. What you have to know is which years growth forms fruit, some are first year growth and some are second year growth for setting fruit.
Get that wrong and you will have a nice tree that never bears any fruit.
Fruit trees that are made as Bonsai do quite well and do bear fruit but these trees are also root pruned every year or two. In California I had two citrus trees and two apple trees that I made into Bonsai, the lemon always had fruits on it as did the grapefruit, the apples also did quite well.
The key when you do this style is to remove most of the fruits so the tree branches will survive the weight.
John Duda wrote:If you're in Maine you should be aware that there's a company in your state that does a big business raising and selling trees and other plants. I'm talking of Fedco Trees. They also have an Apple Grading Chart. It's my opinion that you never want to buy orchard stock grown farther south than where you live. These guys for you are southerners but relatively close. I'm always afraid to buy plants grown in the deep south and have to get them thru the first winter.
They sell trees and they also sell apple rootstocks and scions for apple varieties. They seem to me to do things differently than most other orchardists. They sell most of their apple trees on Antonovka and a few on M111 rootstocks. These are two of the biggest rootstocks available. From what I read they use these because they're hardier in Maine. They also sell over a dozen apple trees that they recommend in Zone 3. Most of those apples seem to me to be the older varieties. The exception being Honeycrisp.
If I wanted to grow a variety of apples in your climate, with space a consideration, I think I'd pick out the hardiest rootstock and grow one tree with those varieties all grafted to that one tree. I'd talk to them. See if they'll do a custom graft for you. Consider the price. Say you want 4 varieties, at their catalog price that'd be $121. If I were in the grafting business I'd be thrilled to get that money out of one graft. You would be vulnerable to losing your entire orchard if that one tree dies. I'm thinking you suggest to them that they find an old overgrown rootstock and graft your varieties to that. Say they had a 3/4 - 1" caliper rootstock. 4 sounds like maybe too many for that size but maybe 3, at least two. They're probably busy now and they start selling scions and rootstocks in January or so. In between they may have time to talk to you. There's also the possibility that they'd let their grafter do this for you. If I had to make this "Frankentree" It'd take me a couple years at least to do the multiple varieties on one tree. I did my first grafts last spring and had a 100% success. But then I tried to graft a second variety to one of those grafts and can't get the hang of a "T-Bud" graft.
I'm thinking that you grow big trees because they're hardy and then trim them to be 8 or 10 feet high. I'm thinking 3 or four varieties on one tree would take less space than the same number of smaller trees.
To order a catalog call (207) 426-0090.
Kamaar Taliaferro wrote:Hiya Tricia,
If you like the size of dwarf trees and want a larger root system check out inter-stem grafting.
Skillcult on youtube has a couple videos on how to interstem graft and a follow up on how they've grown over a few seasons.
a link
Mike Jay wrote:
S Bengi wrote:Half an Acre is 21,000 sqft.
If you plant at 10ft centers (100sqft) you can fit 210 plants
If you plant at 15ft centers (225sqft) you can fit 90 plants.
I like using 15ft centers aka 90 plants.
That's a great list Bengi. Don't forget this is a suburban lot so there is probably a house, a garage, a driveway, a sidewalk and probably some other obstacles cutting down the actual available space a bit. Hopefully still room for 60 plants...
S Bengi wrote:Half an Acre is 21,000 sqft.
If you plant at 10ft centers (100sqft) you can fit 210 plants
If you plant at 15ft centers (225sqft) you can fit 90 plants.
I like using 15ft centers aka 90 plants.
My plant list would be
Hazelnuts are a good fit for this area and are shade tolerant, so I can put them in areas where traditional fruit trees won't bear. I'll include 2-3, but 40 is too many for me. That, however, is a question of goals. My goal is not self-sufficiency so the calorie crop is less important. Nuts are time-consuming to process and, realistically, I am not interested in cracking this many. Also, I don't like hazelnuts *that* much.40 Hazelnut trees, they only get to 15ft tall without pruning giving 25lbs of nut each, and provide all the calories 4 people would need for a full year.
Asian persimmon is definitely not hardy here. American is marginal. This is one I would like to grow as an experimental crop. However, it is a lower priority and space-permitting.2 Asian-American Perssimon (nikita/etc) they only get to 15ft tall without any pruning.
Pawpaw is not hardy here. But I still really want to grow it. There is a Canadian nursery in zone 3 that has bred PawPaws for zone 3. However, their seedlings are really expensive. This is still one I would love to play with once I have the main crops established. Either I save up and buy a few expensive seedlings or buy a bunch of seeds and kill a lot (what the Canadian nursery did) and see if I can find something that will grow.
2 Pawpaw, Sunflower and Prolific only get to about 15ft and grows slowly due to the early and bontiful harves
Unfortunately, not hardy.2 Medlar, they are closely related to apple-quince-pear
I understand Quince was a standard in southern Maine at one time. However, it is not hardy where I am.2 Quince, naturally short and resilient.
Why crabapple?1 Sweet CrabApple (Callaway\Dolgo\Kerr\Transcendent\etc on it's own root or
The most reliable tree fruit producer in this area. I plan to have 4-5 spanning the harvest season. Apples are also useful as a fruit that stores well to provide produce during the long winter. May grow a good keeping variety to full size for larger crop.1 Apple (15ft
Probably the next most reliable. They can have pollination problems in this area so it is recommended to plant them no more than 10 feet apart. I plan to include 3-4.2 Pear
Sweet cherries are not hardy. Tart cherries are marginal, but there are some that should grow. The most reliable variety is one that actually was discovered in this area. While they may grow, we will lose the crop regularly to late frosts as they are an early bloomer. I plan to include 1-3 cherries. They will be planted on a north slope at a north corner of the property and mulched heavily to keep the soil cold and delay bloom. They are also very attractive trees which makes them a good fit for the front of the house in a suburban area.1 Cherry (15ft, Even though there is only 1 "hole" you can plant two plants in it)
Some hardy varieties, but don't really like the climate. Tend to be short-lived here. Also, they bloom too early and tend to lose their fruit to frosts. Most reports from northern areas say you can expect a crop once every 3-5 years when things work out just right. Nevertheless, I'd love to have apricots. I plan to plant a couple, but recognize they may not be a major crop producer.1 Apricot (15ft, get self-fertile if you are not going to do the 2n1 hole trick)
Hybrid plums only for this area. They are not self-fruitful and pollination can be a problem. Extremely close spacing (3-6 feet) is recommended to maximize pollination. I plan to have half of my plums be varieties known for being excellent pollinators and including and American plum (fruit is edible, but inferior) which is purported to be the best pollinator for hybrid plums. I'm planning on several plum trees. Exact number to be determined.1 Plum
This is hardy and shade tolerant which means I can plant it where other things won't grow. That said, I understand it is more medicinal than edible. I plan to plant a couple.2 Elderberry (8ft)
This was one I was not familiar with. If you know of a hardy variety I would be interested. Looks like it is zone 6 though.2 Jujube (6ft)
I've found one mulberry advertised as hardy to zone 3. I believe it is self-fruitful and plan to make a space for it (it is actually a weeping variety even smaller than this). If you haven't grown mulberries before, note that they are *very* messy. You definitely want to keep them pruned small so you can reach the fruit.2 Dwarf Mulberry (9ft)
At least 3. These are from siberia and are very hardy.2 Honeyberry (6ft)
Hardy. I have some concerns about the invasive potential. Also, may not be a good fit for my site due to strong intolerance for shade. Less interesting for me as well as it requires processing to be palatable.2 Seaberry (9ft, to harvest it you cut off the branches so effectively pruning it)
May be a bit astringent for my taste, but it is hardy and shade tolerant so it doesn't require a prime site, which makes it interesting. Might be something I try. This was a new one for my list. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.2 Aronia (6ft)
These are a great fit. They are native to the area. They are delicious and they bear early in the season when fresh fruit is a welcome treat after a long winter. These are a must-have in my mind. They are also shade tolerant.2 Juneberry (Regent only get to 4ft and Prince Edward 9ft)
Not hardy.2 Goumi (6ft)
Grow as a weed in my yard. I will be replacing the weedy ones with improved varieties with better flavor, but definitely a good fit. Some of the best varieties are not hardy here, but this is one where I will push it. They will still bear after dying back to the ground due to cold weather and don't take too long to establish so aren't a major loss if I have to replace after a hard winter.2 Raspberry (6ft)
Jostaberries are marginally hardy for me. They may be worth considering. Related plants that I do intend to grow include Gooseberries, red currants and pink currants. Black currants are also adaptable to my area but are not permitted in the state of Maine because they are extremely efficient transmittors of White pine rust. Jostaberries also include black currant in their genotype and may not be a good choice for that reason. All of the ribes are shade tolerant and can be planted under fruit trees, along shady edges etc, which makes them very adaptable for my site. Also, I like eating them and so do my kids. All ribes are banned in southern Maine and I was very happy when I realized that ban did not cover our site.2 Jostaberry (5ft, technically you have 450sqft so technically space for 18 not just 2)
Blackberries are marginally hardy, but brambles are tough and quick to establish. I'll be including them. I already have a house that I am working around, but it is not a bad planning device if you were starting with a blank site.2 Blackberry (6ft, the combined unused berry space will most likely go towards your 1000sqft house)
Lowbush blueberry is native here and I will be using it as a groundcover in select areas. It is also shade tolerant. Highbush blueberries are not hardy, but there are some lowbush/highbush crosses that are. You generally want at least 3 varieties with blueberries for good pollination.2 Blueberry (6ft, even better yet if you can turn the unused space into a greenhouse)
This one is new to me. It is (possibly very) marginally hardy in my area, which may actually be a good thing given its invasive potential and challenges in management. It is one to give some thought. I would be curious to learn more if this is something you have grown. I'm reluctant to plant things that won't behave themselves unless they provide very high value.2 Akebia Vine
Marginally hardy in my area. This is definitely something I am considering. The best way to incorporate vines into my design is something I still haven't resolved. I'd be interested to learn about how people are finding appropriate places for them. They are often space consuming and many of them can be poorly behaved.2 Artic Kiwi Vine (only gets to 10ft high, 20ft wide (10ft left and 10ft right)
Despite the name, not hardy in my area.2 Hardy Kiwi Vine (100ft, so you will have to prune)
planning to make room for a grape vine, probably over a pergola. There are limited choices for varieties.2 Grape Vine (100ft, so you will have to prune)
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Mike Jay wrote:One further comment. Aronia likes it in wetter less well drained areas so it might struggle in your sand. Elderberry could have the same problem. I have a well drained sandy food forest and my shrub/tree choices so far have been:
Northern Bayberry (not for food but nitrogen fixing candle maker)
Black and red currant (WPBR resistant varieties) I'm not sure that red varieties are automatically blister rust resistant...
When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
-Avatar Aang
Kathleen Sanderson wrote:Have you checked to see what the University of Alaska recommends for the Fairbanks area? The climate is actually somewhat similar to where you are -- it *might* get a little colder in Fairbanks most winters, and they don't get as much annual precipitation. There are nurseries in Alaska growing plants and trees, including fruit trees, for that climate. You would have to do some searching and see what you could find, and make sure they can ship out of the state (probably can).
James Landreth wrote:Look into St. Lawrence nurseries in upstate NY. A lot of their trees are hardy to zone 3. If you're unsure shoot them an email and ask.
Tricia Rubert-Nason wrote:
Kathleen Sanderson wrote:Have you checked to see what the University of Alaska recommends for the Fairbanks area? The climate is actually somewhat similar to where you are -- it *might* get a little colder in Fairbanks most winters, and they don't get as much annual precipitation. There are nurseries in Alaska growing plants and trees, including fruit trees, for that climate. You would have to do some searching and see what you could find, and make sure they can ship out of the state (probably can).
Consulting the Alaska extension service was a great suggestion. Turns out Anchorage is a closer climate match than Fairbanks. Either way, the Alaska extension was an invaluable resource. They have great advice for fruit trees in cold climates and also highlighted fireweed for me. It's a native plant that is extremely abundant in my area and is already growing my yard. I knew the flowers were edible, but it turns out most of the plant is. That sent me looking for other wild edibles and I discovered that many of the native plants I already know well and was planning to grow are also edible. An absolute goldmine of easy to grow plants that stack multiple functions.
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GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy