LFIRE wrote:
Did you all see the piece on TV about the "BLOOM BOX"?
I got so excieted! Major corporations seems to be having great interest and are using it.
I went to their website (www.bloomenergy.com) to see what was available for home use.
Boo-hoo...not yet.
Further I am not sure if this is just another "saving" thing although they did talk a small amount about it can be used for off the grid use.
Each cell gives about 25w, these are put together in "stacks", a few stacks (size of a bread loaf) is
enough to power a home... but instead they put enough together to generate 100kw... much more than anyone could use on their own. It runs on CH[sub]4[/sub] and (though they very carefully don't say so)... solid oxide plates. Because there are 400 of them... and they are quite small... I would suggest that once the oxide plates are used up, the stacks are replaced (recycled). The data sheet does not say how long these oxide sheets last... in fact there is no TTL (or half life or whatever) at all listed.
I would assume that there is a minimum size where this thing is self sustaining. Where it's generated heat is enough to supply it's own heat requirements. It appears this is a utility size device. The inverter could be down sized easy enough, but I expect the fuel supplying, steam supply/recycle etc. needs to be a certain size to be economical. The amount of info on their site is dismal ... however, if they get commonplace enough the price of "stacks" might be low enough for home use. biogas could be used for fuel and
solar heat could be enough supplement to make things work. It will be a few years yet before we know unless they start making smaller units.