BEL #634
After shuttling a SKIP guest to the airport, I had a chance to bicycle round Missoula a bit. Things are still messed up after the wind storms earlier this week. No one's in the river due to downed power lines making the surface waters unsafe. The neighbourhoods are dotted with "brush piles" of broken tree limbs and branches.
I would have continued along the
Milwaukee Path Bike Trail, however it was blocked and closed due to a downed power line.
Here's a spot where a residence was smashed with the downed tree. Looks like the tree's diameter was several feet across.
I think it'll take public works an additional week to clear things up completely round here.
Meanwhile... You can find the most interesting things at
Little Free Libraries. I mean, anything endorsed by "Nick The Greek" has a lot going for it, says I.
Apart from that, the day was a personally tough one. But
enough about that.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!