In my basement lives a series of photographs of sailing ships mored in London. These photos were taken by my father over 60 years ago in a homemade camera. They are some of the most beautiful photos I've seen and the camera he used is simple to make and use.
pinhole camera is a simple device where you have a light-proof box with the film in one end and a tiny hole in the other. You take the picture by opening up the hole for a few seconds or minutes.
But that's just the start.
Here are some pinhole cameras I'm drolling over on Kickstarter right now.
ONDU III pinhole camera
WOODSUM: easy, retro, DIY, Pinhole camera.
Gorgeous! If anyone wants to buy me a Holiday Present... hint hint.
These beautiful designs have me thinking about how I can make my own 35mm pinhole camera.
Anyone here play with pinholes?