Had heard of bacon before but had forgotten about it. Thanks for the remembrance!
Also thanks for the links! I woulda bought a seedling on the cheap side right now but they aren't in stock. I'll check in spring if I haven't sourced anything by then. One of the sites has grafted trees which are good. I would go for the price at some point if I have too. I can get one of comparable size with no shipping needed at similar price from a nursery near me come spring. I went yesterday(2 hr drive) and they were sold out for the year. No worries I left with plenty other things! Also if I cannot find a better deal or for some reason the nursery doesn't come through I'll break down on that too later on come spring.
I'm sure there's seeds/seedlings that personal growers are willing to
sell or trade out there somewhere right now. Maybe a bit late for seeds though so more likely seedlings. If someone can offer a smallish yet grafted one at a good deal that doesn't kill on shipping right now I'd probably be on it! However too it is getting close to the no go point on shipping them from anywhere above the southern states especially for businesses due to freeze loss liability.
Again thanks for your all's suggestions!