For Christmas, we were given a 500 gal Norwesco vertical tank (40148). I'm wondering if anyone has rigged a screen for rain
water catchment in one of these tanks. My spouse would like a moderately attractive solution since she'll be looking at it from her desk.
I'm OK buying something because i have other places i can better spend my time than rigging this, but the for-purpose is a little more than i am excited to spend. (It's still less before shipping than i can find a single clean IBC tote going for in our area .)
I see there are prefab 16" rain baskets out there, but the manway is a 16 3/8" INNER diameter, and the usual 16" filter baskets seem to be just barely 16.3" diameter to the outside of their lips. Does that work?
The rim sticks up one inch with an 18 1/5" outer diameter. Buying screen and a big hose clamp seem like it could work, but that one inch is just barely
enough room for the hose clamp itself.
Thanks for relevant advice!