Anybody knows something about the efficiencies of their rocket
water heater? So we can compare. I build one with a barrel over a barrel system (so the heat riser is insulated) with thermo siphon working to heat
water for a hottub. I calculated an efficiency of about 25%. This calculated with 15MJ per kg
wood against the temperature rise of the water being 960 liters 6degC to 40degC. The low efficiency (imo) could be due to the heat losses of the bath (which I covered during heating) and the draw of the system not being perfect. Since I have sometimes a bit smoke and flames from the burning chamber (back draft). I lead additional the exhaust under the bath through a
concrete tunnel. The exit exhaust temperature I measured is around 30 degC and the "smoke" i see is mostly water vapour (i concluded since it does not have the smoke smell of an ordinary fire). I measured CO with a safety gas sensor, which measured over range so above 1000ppm. Since the rocket heater is located outside the heater is a bit humid of
course also the ground where heater is located is humid, and reduces the efficiency further. The system is a 8" system.