r ranson - Textile enthusiasts and fibre farmer

Textile enthusiasts and fibre farmer.  

Over a decade experience growing fibre and over two decades experience working with textiles.

I can offer advice with home scale, cottage industry and larger scale textile growing and production.  My personal experience includes sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas, rabbits, flax, cotton, nettles, silk, and wild silk.  I make my living in textiles with fibre farming, cottage industry spinning and weaving, textile tool repairs, teaching, and consulting.  Although no formal textile education, I am always learning, trying, and perfecting new skills.  To get an idea of some of the things I can help with, check out this introduction to fibre farming.

flax flower from landrace breeding project


Homegrown Linen: Transforming Flaxseed into Fibre

Clean with Cleaners You Can Eat (e-Book)

You can learn more about my adventures at crowing hen farm