Hey folks, Basically a new member.
Eric - Double Dog Farm, Like to join in if I may.
I've raised several different breeds of mostly egg laying ducks. Khaki Campbell, White Layer, Golden 300 and Muscovies. Currently I have 26 Ancona ducks. I was influenced by Carroll Deppe's book Resilient Gardener. They will be 13 weeks old tomorrow. I must say of all the breeds, I have raised, the Ancona is the most handsome. Here are some pictures.
The Ancona are not finicky eaters. Here are some of the things I have tried on them.
Sea Buckthorn, After reading that their leaves have about 24% protein, I pruned off a couple branches and threw them in the pond. They didn't go for it right away, but by the end of that day, the branches were stripped.
Comfrey, Two berms in my orchard have comfrey on them. They are roughly 5ft wide and 20ft long. The ducks chewed the plants to the soil line. I have low fences around the berms now.
Fruit, peaches, plums, tomatoes, asian pears, gooseberries, currants, marionberries.
Vegetable, Boiled potato and squash, lettuce and most leafy greens.
They are also very good at bug and slug control. It's amazing they can swallow a huge Pacific Banana slug.
Anyone have a Pellet mill? My brother and I are thinking about buying a PTO driven model. They are about a $1000. This mill produces about 400 to 600 pounds of feed pellet per hour. It also could be used for fertilizer and wood stove pellet production.
Good to be here.