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eric firpo

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since Nov 18, 2011
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Recent posts by eric firpo

Such a great thread. Gonna give it a shot.
4 years ago
I realized I used a different email for the kickstarter. Added it to my profile. Did get into support forum after all.
I followed the link emailed to me for the support forum. It said I have 'insufficient privileges' to get into the forum.

Now what?

Eric Firpo
Oh well! If you ever make it our way, please stop by! It would be great to meet you and have you sign my book, assuming it's unsigned when I get it! I'm buying a second one to give to our fibre artist friend at the store as the matter of fact.

Keep up the awesome work! Love what you're doing!

6 years ago
Hi there! I'm excited about getting the book!

I did have a question about whether you will do a book signing tour in the U.S. I live I California and have a business that's a nursery/market/gift shop/café, and we've had a couple book signings in the past. We've also invited a local fibre artist to do a couple of workshops that turned out great. Anyhow, if you're coming our way (Central Valley), we've love to have to sign books at our place!

Lemme know!

Eric Firpo
6 years ago
we grew strawberries on a first-year hugelbed last year and they loved it. i'd put them on the grow list.
11 years ago
Hi there permies.

I'm looking for comfrey seeds or root cuttings. And I'll pay! We're planting about 100 mixed stone fruit trees in a roughly one-acre food forest, so we've got a home for comfrey once we get our hands on some. Thanks.
11 years ago
row cover also works...white, lightweight, cheeseclothy stuff if you can find some...works great...good luck
12 years ago
Hi Paul. I do have a question. Sepp talks about the symbiotic relationship between his plants on his farm, and how incredibly healthy they are because of it. But he also mentions he has plants growing next to each other, in fact helping each other, that others say can't grow where they are growing.

So the question is, how did he figure out what plants work well other plants? Was it all trial and error? Are there resources the rest of us can turn to? Thanks.
12 years ago
there's a huge black walnut tree on a farm i'm sharing that will be trimmed in the near future, and i want to use the wood for a hugelbed. i've seen comments here that black walnut is a no-no for hugelkultur, but has anyone actually used black walnut in a hugelbed, and was there a problem? thanks!
12 years ago