Devon Olsen

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since Nov 28, 2011
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Cackleberry Farm and Garden
Casper, WY
Fresh-cut Microgreens, Specialty Pesto, Raw, Local Honey, Pasture Raised Duck and Grassfed Lamb
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Central Wyoming -zone 4
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Recent posts by Devon Olsen

Have to admit i didn't make much sense of that paper but damn do i love forums,  ask a question and get an answer like, here's a  scientist that got ducks drunk for science hahaha
2 months ago
Your production numbers continue to impress! Good use of storm damaged trees to build long lasting soils!

Got a burn done recently, getting low on brush for stock so I may have to go about collecting here sooner or later

About 140 gallons this burn

So that puts me at 580 gallons
2 months ago
Michael, if you got the birds,can you share a Pic of your chicken ladder aforementioned?
6 months ago
Looks like a decent product but I couldn't tell if it could be combined with another one to expand diameter?
Would be ex0ensive compared to pallets for my purposes but would lo9k shar,if it lasted 6 years or more perhaps a worthwhile investment
6 months ago
I would say risk is low, but If you feel it is worth the peace of mind, you could always install a root barrier that runs to 30 in depth around the pipes in areas where the trees might encounter the pipe
7 months ago
This is a puzzling problem, I can offer no knowledge atthis point but hope to glean some in the future when someone else has an answer
7 months ago
I've fed quite a bit of elm to sheep in years past, our mother elm tree has 4 main trunks, I have been selecting one trunk to pollard every summer since we moved in. This year, since we no longer have sheep, I will cut this year's trunk if a neighbor decides to bring her sheep to graze, or I will do my cutting after dormancy to maintain my "schedule"
7 months ago
Why didn't I ever think to freeze distill water for aquatics and irrigation?

Very smart.

Now for low tech, homestead scale, I think, take a mineral  tub, fill with well water in the cold, flip over and empty the tub of ice on a CLEAN surface, scrape any salty ice off the bottom, place in another clean tub, thaw and repeat as needed.

Perhaps once or twice would be enough to remove the majority of issues in well water to begin with.

Then,  how to store for later?

Melt and pour into an IBC?  Risk of freeze thaws cracking your expensive tote, but it's ready when spring comes

Drain into an underground cistern? install expense of course but if testing proves significant water quality improvement with little embodied labor, perhaps worth it?

My purposes, similarly would be to top off aquatic and aquaponics systems, fish do fine in the well water but evaporation causes plant killing salt build up. Also storage above the swamp cooler to give that some clean water to run on.... hmmm.
7 months ago